
_Cabeza de topo #1



It's finally here!
Nuestro primer evento con nuestro primer gran invitado.
Our first event with our first big guest.

Duane Pitre es un compositor avant-garde, intérprete y artista sonoro norteamericano. Su trabajo se suele centrar en la interacción entre el sonido electrónico y la instrumentación acústica, el caos y la disciplina. Pitre ha aparecido en publicaciones como The Wire, Foxy Digitalis, Pitchfork, Dusted y NewMusicBox. Su trabajo ha sido publicado por diversos sellos como Important Records, Root Strata, NNA y Quiet Design y ha aparecido en bandas sonoras con Dinosaur Jr., Battles y Animal Collective.

Duane Pitre is an American avant-garde composer, performer, and sound artist. His work often focuses on the interaction between electronic sound and acoustic instrumentation, chaos and discipline. Pitre has been featured in publications such as The Wire, Foxy Digitalis, Pitchfork, Dusted, and NewMusicBox. His work has been released by various labels including Important Records, Root Strata, NNA, and Quiet Design, and he has appeared on soundtracks with Dinosaur Jr., Battles, and Animal Collective.

Te recordamos que el aforo es muy limitado y hay mucha gente que quiere venir. Así que te invitamos a confirmar tu asistencia por mensaje privado.

We want to remind you that the capacity is very limited and there are many people who want to come. So we invite you to confirm your attendance through private message.

Hurry up!